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Anwendungen > MsgFlow MsgFlow


MsgFlow is an Android application for scheduling and repeating SMS without any restriction.


Known problems:

JoMegaSoft shall NOT be held responsible in any way neither for the use you make of this software nor for any software issue.




Before downloading this app, make sure to read the privacy policy carefully!

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  • 5 Tage kostenlos testen
  • danach: nur 1,99€/Benutzer/Gerät

Wenn Sie die App nicht installieren können, gehen Sie bitte in den Gerät Einstellungen, dann in "Sicherheit", drücken Sie auf "Unbekannte Herkunft", und versuchen Sie erneut die App zu installieren.


ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION / ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION (Approximate and precise location)
Used only when you add a location extra in a message (can be (de)activated anytime, default is deactivated).

ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE (View network connections)
Checks the Internet connection state before server calls.

INTERNET (Full network access)
Checks for your license and available updates.

READ_CONTACTS (Read your contacts)
Displays the contact list with their phone numbers.

READ_PHONE_STATE (Read phone status and identity)
Needed on new devices (Android 5.0+) before using network.
No additional information is read by this application!

Launches the background job to send scheduled tasks on time.

SEND_SMS (Send SMS messages)
Sends the scheduled SMS messages.

WAKE_LOCK (Prevent phone from sleeping)
Wakes up the phone's CPU in order to send the messages (the screen remains off). Released as soon as possible to reduce battery consumption.

WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (Read, modify or delete the contents of your USB storage)
Backs up scheduled/sent tasks on the external memory.

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